Tuesday 29 April 2014


CLICK ON  THE FOLLOWING LINK: http://iatefl.britishcouncil.org/2014/sessions/2014-04-04/pearson-sig-event-v2

Test Teach Test

What tools do teachers currently have at their fingertips to be able to objectively and accurately measure a student’s level of English? How can teachers identify what they need to focus on in order to help students make progress? How can they test their students again using the same standard assessment to see the impact of their teaching on students’ progression?
Currently, teachers often use self-prepared tests that they need to create and grade themselves, which is very time intensive and difficult to replicate. The alternative is to use practice tests from internationally recognised tests which are not self-scoring, or for students to take high-stakes tests, which is not a cost-effective solution to use solely as a progress measure, or informative about remediation.
In this session, David Hill, item writer for Progress, Pearson’s new and innovative all skills test, and Antonia Clare, author of Speakout, will discuss the merits of using an automated testing tool like Progress to objectively and accurately assess students’ competence and progress across a given course. They will look at how teachers can use the results from this test and apply them in a classroom setting with a coursebook to inform teaching and learning and improve learning outcomes.
[Please Note: There is a gap in this video between 17:57 and 19:46. Please fast-forward at this point in the video]

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